科目名 ヒロシマと核の時代
単位数 2.0
担当者 Robert Jacobs and guest speakers
履修時期 Spring Semester
履修対象 1st and 2nd year students. Master's Program
講義形態 講義
講義の目的 To learn about nuclear history from many different vantage points. Students will learn about the history of the nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, subsequent nuclear weapon developments. Then students will learn from numerous guest speakers on Peace Culture in Hiroshima, and also on perspectives about the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki from the vantage points of numerous countries in the region and globally.
到達目標 To understand the complexities of the Nuclear Age both from the perspective of Hiroshima and also the rest of the world
受講要件 All lectures and reading materials will be in English. Students must have a competent reading and discussion ability in English.
事前・事後学修 Read all the materials before and after attending the class and actively participate in all class discussions.
講義内容 Tentative Schedule:
Section 1 History of Nuclear Weapons including Hiroshima & Nagasaki: Dr. Robert Jacobs
1. The Manhattan Project and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
2. The development of nuclear weapons since 1945
3. The history of nuclear weapon testing around the world
4. Nuclear colonialism and global hibakusha
5. The nuclear Anthropocene

Section 2 Hibakusha: Experience of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

6 Hibaku taiken (Atomic Bomb survivor’s experience)
7 Hiroshima seen from the Eyes of Experienced Guide and Interpreter in Hiroshima
8 Issues of Korean Victims in Hiroshima and Nagasaki
9 To cultivate the Truth and report as TV documentary
10 Effort to Convey the experience

Atomic Bomb Legacy Successors
(Hiroshima City has been cultivating successors since the FY 2012 to pass down the survivors’ stories and wishes on their behalf. The first A-bomb Legacy Successors completed a three-year training course and started their activities in the FY 2015.)

Section 3 Dialogue and Discussion with Specialists on “Hiroshima”
11 Korean View on Hiroshima
12 German View on Hiroshima
13 Chinese View on Hiroshima
14 US Media and A-bombing
15 Final review
期末試験実施の有無 実施しない
評価方法・基準 Attitude at class such as discussion and presentation (40%), and the final project paper (60%)
教科書等 No text book. Reading materials will be given at the class.
担当者プロフィール Robert Jacobs is a professor working on the social and cultural aspects of nuclear technologies. His work focuses on the experiences of radiation exposed populations, and the representation of nuclear technologies in culutre and art.
課題や試験に対するフィードバック The assignment will be returned with comments and guidance
キーワード Nuclear Weapon, Hiroshima & Nagasaki, Manhattan Project, Anthropocene
Hibakusha (Atomic Bomb survivor)