単位数 2.0
担当者 Nurhaizal Azam ARIF, Yoshiaki FURUZAWA, Takamitsu HADANO, Toshihiro HIGUCHI, Yasuhiro INOUE, Robert JACOBS, Kyoko MATSUNAGA, Mariko NAGAI, Keiko OGURA, Yu TAKEDA, Yuko TAKAHASHI, and Masae YUASA
履修時期 Spring semester (Intensive course)
履修対象 2nd year students and above
講義形態 講義
講義の目的 The aim of this summer program “HIROSHIMA and PEACE” (H&P) is to provide students with a general understanding of the nature and attributes of war and peace by illuminating various aspects of wartime experiences including the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, and at the same time to explore contemporary issues related to world peace today.
In addition to the lectures, the program will feature several special activities, including visits to the Atomic Bomb Dome and the Peace Memorial Museum, attendance at the Peace Memorial Ceremony on August 6th, a meeting with the mayor of Hiroshima, and discussion with atomic bomb survivors.
到達目標 - Students will acquire a general understanding of the nature and attributes of peace-related issues from the history of Hiroshima.
- Students will gain a deeper knowledge of the importance of peacemaking through discussions with lecturers and participants from different backgrounds.
受講要件 - The course will be conducted in English. Therefore, the ability to use spoken and written English is essential.
- In order to ensure a high-quality learning environment, the ideal number of participants is around 20 students. Regular HCU students will need to apply and pass a selection process to make sure they have adequate English skills. If we receive applications from more than 20 students, there may be an additional selection process in order to guarantee an ideal class environment.
- Exchange students to HCU can of course take this course, but spaces are limited. If you are interested in taking this class, please contact the Hiroshima and Peace Office as soon as possible ( Hiroshima-and-Peace@m.hiroshima-cu.ac.jp ).
事前・事後学修 Preparation for and review of all classes is highly recommended, individually or in voluntary study groups.
講義内容 August 2nd (Fri)
- Orientations & Introduction
- What Does “Peace” Mean to You? (Nurhaizal Azam ARIF)
- Arms Control and Nuclear Disarmament (Takamitsu HADANO)
- Welcome Reception
August 5th (Mon)
- What We Talk About When We Talk About Hiroshima (Mariko NAGAI)
- Korean Hibakusha Narratives (Kyoko MATSUNAGA)
- International Understandings of Atomic Bombing in Hiroshima: Salvation or War Crime? (Yasuhiro INOUE)
- Reflection Time
August 6th (Tue)
- Field Trip I: Peace Memorial Ceremony
August 7th (Wed)
- Hiroshima and the Environmental Age (Toshihiro HIGUCHI)
- Hibakusha Testimony in English (Keiko OGURA)
- Global Hibakusha (Robert JACOBS)
- Field Trip II: Meeting with the Mayor of Hiroshima
August 8th (Thu)
- Field Trip III: Peace Memorial Museum
- Inheriting “Hiroshima’s Heart” (Masae YUASA)
- Hiroshima and Peacebuilding (Yoshiaki FURUZAWA)
August 9th (Fri)
- Nuclear Power and Nuclear Weapons (Yu TAKEDA)
- Korean Hibakusha in Contemporary Global Politics (Yuko TAKAHASHI)
- Reflection Time
- Group & Individual Presentations
期末試験実施の有無 実施しない
評価方法・基準 Students’ grades for the course will be based on the quality of their participation in the classes and activities, as well as their performance in a group project task where they will have the opportunity to show the knowledge and perspectives they have gained during the program.
教科書等 Handouts will be distributed separately in each class.

Recommended Reading
- Yoshiaki Furuzawa, Yasuhiro Inoue, and Michael Gorman, eds. (2023) Hiroshima and Peace Studies: From the First Atomic Bombing to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Hiroshima: Keisuisha.
担当者プロフィール Disciplines represented by the instructors include Area Studies, History, International Relations, Media Studies, and Sociology.
課題や試験に対するフィードバック Students will receive comments during group work sessions and after the final presentation.
アクティブ・ラーニング Research, discussion, reflection
キーワード Hiroshima, Peace Studies, hibakusha, nuclear disarmament, peacebuilding