科目名 英語討論技法U
単位数 2.0
担当者 Luke Carson
履修時期 Fall Semester
履修対象 2nd year students and above and exchange students
講義形態 講義
講義の目的 In this course, students will develop their English persuasive speaking and debate skills, and their critical thinking ability. Classes will be very communicative, and will mainly involve pair and group activities and discussion. This semester will focus on debating.
到達目標 To learn to think critically, present ideas clearly and convincingly, organize ideas logically, and develop arguments persuasively in English.
受講要件 This class will be taught in English. This is not a lecture style class - students must actively participate in English during the class, and prepare for classes. Attendance is mandatory.
Students must take English Discussion Debate I before taking this class. However, this is not necessary in all cases, such as in the case of international students who were not at Hiroshima City University in semester one. If you have any questions about this, please contact Dr. Carson directly. This is a class for students who are still learning English, not for those who are bilingual or highly fluent.
履修取消不可の理由 Students work in teams from the beginning of the semester, so cancellation is not possible.
事前・事後学修 Students will regularly be required to do homework, either as review of a class or as preparation for the next class.
講義内容 1. Debate Structure and Language
2. Cross Examination and Rebuttal
3. Evidence and Counterargument
4. Allocation of practice debate teams Discussion (mid-term exam preparation)
5. Preparation for first practice debate
6. Preparation for first practice debate
7. First debate
8. First debate review
9. Allocation of final debate teams Mid-term exam discussion
10. Mid-term exam: Write a resolution speech
11. Final Debate preparation - claims
12. Final Debate preparation - evidence
13. Final Debate preparation - rebuttal
14. Debates
15. Debates
期末試験実施の有無 実施しない
評価方法・基準 Participation (40%),
Homework/Prepared for class (10%)
Mid-term written test (20%)
Final Debate performance (30%)
教科書等 No textbook. Students may be required to print materials provided online by the teacher.
課題や試験に対するフィードバック Students will receive spoken feedback at times during the classes, as well as written feedback on some homework assignments.
キーワード Speaking, Active Learning, Output, Discussion
備考 This class will be limited to the first 24 students who register.