科目名 Modern Japanese Studies
単位数 2.0
担当者 Ulrike Wohr
履修時期 Fall semester
履修対象 2nd year students and above and exchange students
講義形態 講義
講義の目的 This course provides an introduction to contemporary Japanese culture and society through the lens of gender. We will look at relatively recent works of popular culture (anime and live action movie), asking how gender is represented in these works and how it intersects with other vectors of power, such as sexuality, class and ethnicity. To enable us to conduct these analyses, we will study theoretical concepts developed in cultural studies and also explore cultural, social and political contexts of the analyzed works. Most class sessions will consist of a combination of short lectures or student presentations and discussion.
到達目標 Students should develop a clear understanding of the constructedness as well as the social significance of gender and sexuality, and they should familiarize themselves with the concept of cultural representation. They should gain knowledge and learn to ask critical questions about the workings of gender in Japan’s recent history, society and culture. Students should improve their analytical and critical thinking and reading skills as well as their oral and written expression.
受講要件 Students need to have sufficient English proficiency to complete the reading assignments (2 to 10 pages per assignment), give presentations and take part in class discussions. The final research paper can be in English or Japanese. Regular students are encouraged to take my course “Gender and Sexuality” (taught in Japanese) before enrolling in this class.
事前・事後学修 Students need to complete the readings and related assignments (discussion questions on readings or short opinion or research notes on a given topic, to be shared in class discussions); and they will be asked to prepare two or three short presentations.
Students will also need to spend time outside of class to watch at least part of the films that we will be discussing in class.
講義内容 Part I: Introduction
1. About this class
2. General background, concepts and methods (1)
3. General background, concepts and methods (2)
4. General background, concepts and methods (3)
Part II: Assimilating Queerness
5. Contemporary politics of gender identity in Japan
6. Screening of “Close-knit” (by Ogigami Naoko, 2017)
7. Discussing “Close-knit”
Part III: Stigma and the politics of inclusion/exclusion
8. Gender, minorities, and national identity in Japan
9. Screening of “Wolf Children” (by Hosoda Mamoru, 2012)
10. Discussing “Wolf Children”
Interlude: Special Lecture by Honda Ayari
11. Human trafficking in Southeast Asia and the role of Japan
Part IV: Gender, war and nation
12. The “comfort women” and history education in Japan
13. Screening of “In this Corner of the World” (Katabuchi Sunao, 2016)
14. Discussing “In this Corner of the World”
Part V: Wrap-up
15. Final discussion and instructions for writing your term paper
(This schedule may be subject to change.)
期末試験実施の有無 実施しない
評価方法・基準 Presentations, homework assignments, and participation in class discussions (60%); final paper (1500 words in English or 3000 words in Japanese) (40%)
No credits can be awarded if the student fails to attend at least two thirds of the classes.
教科書等 Jennifer Coates, Lucy Fraser and Mark Pendleton, eds., The Routledge Companion to Gender and Japanese Culture. London and New York: Routledge, 2020.
担当者プロフィール I earned my doctorate in Japanese Studies at the University of Heidelberg and have been teaching Gender Studies and Japanese Studies at Hiroshima City University since 1995. Most of my research explores the history of women’s and feminist movements and feminist thought in modern and contemporary Japan, from a transnational perspective. I have also written about late nineteenth and early twentieth century German colonialist discourse on Japan.
課題や試験に対するフィードバック In-class feedback on presentations, homework assignments and contributions to class discussions.
アクティブ・ラーニング Research, discussion, reflection, presentation
キーワード Gender, sexuality, representation, popular culture, nationalism, Japan