科目名 Future StudiesT
単位数 2.0
担当者 Luke Carson
履修時期 Fall Semester
履修対象 Students with Advanced English ability. 2nd year students and above and exchange students
講義形態 講義
講義の目的 The world is changing much more quickly than in the past. This means that we may need new skills and new abilities, and to be ready to adapt. Instead of focusing on a single subject, this course will be a chance to think about and understand the future, to think with a future-focused orientation, and to develop skills that are likely to help us in the future. We will also experiment with creating the future.
到達目標 To examine ideas about possible futures, to prepare for the future, to participate in creating the future.
受講要件 Advanced English ability. A TOEIC score of 700 is required. (If you have not achieved this score, but are confident in your English ability, please contact Dr. Carson about this).
事前・事後学修 Students will receive regular homework, and this work will be necessary to complete in order to participate in the classes.
講義内容 Although a 15-week syllabus is provided here, it may change as a result of events occurring in the world, and also depending on how class discussions unfold.
1. Course Introduction
2. The World Today
3. 21st century skills: Introduction to creative thinking
4. The Future of Work
5. Growth Mindset & Creativity
6. Design Thinking
7. Design Thinking
8. Future Careers Discussion (& intro of lifestyle futures)
9. AI Discussion 1
10. AI Discussion 2
11. Rethinking nationalism and globalism
12. Blockchain Discussion 1
13. Your brain and how it thinks about your future:
Rationality, Bayesian Thinking, Hierarchical Predictive Processing
14. Presentations New Ideas
15. Presentations: New Ideas
期末試験実施の有無 実施しない
評価方法・基準 To be discussed by the students and the teacher. But generally, evaluation has been based on class participation (which includes being prepared for class), and two large assignments (one mid-semester and one at the end of the semester). But this is up for discussion!
教科書等 Will be provided by the teacher
課題や試験に対するフィードバック Students will receive spoken feedback at times during the classes, as well as written feedback on some homework assignments.
キーワード Future, Humans, Technology, Adaptability, Society
備考 This is a two-semester course. To allow both home students and international students to take this course, the first course (Futures Studies I) is given in the fall semester, and the second course (Futures Studies II) is given in the spring semester.