科目名 Cross-cultural Language and Communication U
単位数 2.0
担当者 Luke Carson
履修時期 Fall Semester
履修対象 2nd year students and above and exchange students
講義形態 講義
講義の目的 Students in this class will learn about how and why different cultures communicate differently, and how to communicate in cross-cultural situations. Classes will involve short lectures by the teacher where students will learn about different concepts, followed by discussion activities and class activities where students will practice their communication skills for international or cross-cultural interactions. Students will also have the opportunity to research specific cultures based on their own interests.
到達目標 The goal of this class is to develop students’ knowledge of how cultures differ, how these differences affect communication, and to improve students’ ability to communicate across cultures effectively.
受講要件 This class will be taught in English. Students must actively participate in English during the class, and prepare for classes. Attendance is mandatory.
Students should take Cross-cultural Language and Communication I before taking this class. However, this is not necessary in all cases, such as in the case of international students who were not at Hiroshima City University in semester one. If you have any questions about this, please contact Dr. Carson directly.
事前・事後学修 Students will regularly be required to do homework, either as review of
a class or as preparation for the next class.
講義内容 1. Multinational company conflict
2. Humour: what is funny, where is it funny, why is it funny?
3. A life in Japan: non-nationals experience of Japan
4. A life in Japan: the perceptions of Japanese and non-Japanese
6. Comparing countries with Hofstede: National culture and cultural dimensions
7. International issues in advertising
8. Mid-term presentation preparation
9. Presentations
10. Culture Shock
11. Subcultures
12. Pragmatics
13. Pragmatics
14. Communicating internationally in English: Formal and informal communication
15. The perfect country?
期末試験実施の有無 実施しない
評価方法・基準 Class participation (30%), preparation for class and assignments (20%), mid-term presentation (20%) and final report (30%).
教科書等 Paper materials and audio-visual materials will be provided by the teacher. Materials will also be available online.
課題や試験に対するフィードバック Students will receive spoken feedback at times during the classes, as well as written feedback on some homework assignments.
キーワード Communication, Culture, Global Understanding, Language, Behaviour,Thinking