科目名 Special Lecture in British and American LiteratureT
単位数 2.0
担当者 Michael Gorman
履修時期 Spring Semester
履修対象 Third year and above
講義形態 講義
講義の目的 This course will introduce students to English poetry, from Shakespeare to contemporary writers. The focus of this class will be the concepts and literary devices that govern how poetry (and other forms of literature) is written and read. After studying fixed verse forms like the sonnet, couplet, ballad, villanelle, and sestina we will move on to discussing free verse poetry. You will even write your own poems! Readings will cover a wide range of poetic forms, experiences, and writers including William Shakespeare, William Wordsworth, Elizabeth Bishop, Theodore Roethke, Gwendolyn Brooks, Robert Frost, Langston Hughes, Audre Lorde, Philip Larkin, Simon Ortiz, Sylvia Plath, Wallace Stevens, W.H. Auden, and William Carlos Williams.
到達目標 To gain a better understanding of poetic forms; the principles, concepts, and devices that shape how poetry is written; and the connections between English poetic traditions and American poets. By participating actively in class and completing assigned readings and writing assignments, students will also practice using English to communicate their ideas.
受講要件 Suggested TOEIC score: 500+
事前・事後学修 There will be reading and writing homework for most classes. Students must complete a worksheet and/or a paragraph relating to that week's lesson before class. In addition, students will make group presentations on topics related to the lessons.
講義内容 1. Orientation - Introduction & Syllabus. What makes a poem?
2. The English Sonnet - Shakespeare's Sonnets 130 and 73 (terms: rime, iambic pentameter, quatrain, couplet)
3. The Italian Sonnet - John Milton, William Wordsworth (terms: tercet, sestet, octave,
simile, metaphor, figure of speech)
4. Write your own sonnet
5. Metaphysicals and cavaliers: John Donne, Katherine Phillips, Richard Lovelace (terms: conceit)
6. FILM-Shakespeare in Love (Elizabethan culture)
7. FILM-Shakespeare in Love (use of poetry in Elizabethan comedy)
8. The Couplet - Alexander Pope (riming couplet, satire, irony)
9. The Ballad - A.E. Housman (ballad stanza, tetrameter, voice)
10. The Villanelle - Elizabeth Bishop, Theodore Roethke (alliteration, assonance, consonance,
11. Write a ballad, couplet, or villanelle in pairs
12. The Sestina - Dante, Anthony Hecht (hyperbole, enjambment)
13. Free Verse Poetry - W.H. Auden (allusion)
14. Free Verse Poetry - Philip Larkin (imagery, senses)
15. Poetry and music
期末試験実施の有無 実施しない
評価方法・基準 Attendance & participation (20%); weekly assignments, presentations (60%); final project (20%)
教科書等 There are no required texts to buy, but students should bring a good English-Japanese dictionary to class. Handouts with readings will be provided to students each week.
担当者プロフィール Mike Gorman earned his PhD in American literature and culture from the University of Tulsa and is especially interested in ways literature connects with rural American culture, transnationalism, and the environment.
課題や試験に対するフィードバック Some feedback will be given on participation and assignments
キーワード Figures of speech, literary devices, literary movements and periods, poetic forms, verse
備考 -There will be reading and writing homework for most classes.
-Enrollment is limited to 40 students.
-This course will be taught entirely in English, and students are expected to use English actively in class.
-Attendance is mandatory. Students who miss more than 3 classes will not receive credit.
-The course schedule is tentative and may change.