科目名 History of Japanese Politics and Diplomacy
単位数 2.0
担当者 TAKEDA, Yu
履修時期 Fall Semester
履修対象 2nd year students and above, and exchange students
講義形態 講義
講義の目的 This course is designed for undergraduate students as an introduction to the history of Japanese politics and diplomacy. It is organized chronologically and divided into two parts: Prewar and Postwar periods.
Each week, the class will begin with a student presentation on previously assigned materials. It will be followed by a discussion led by a student discussant and the instructor.
到達目標 The objectives of this course are (a) to introduce international students to mainstream understandings of Japanese politics and diplomacy; (b) to provide domestic students with opportunities to express opinions in English on the agenda topics. (knowledge and skills)
受講要件 Although there are no particular requirements, students need to be able to read English academic materials and discuss academic topics in English.
事前・事後学修 Students are expected to read assigned materials before class and prepare for a presentation when designated.
講義内容 Week 1: Course Introduction
Part I Prewar Japan
Week 2: Tokugawa Political System and the West
Week 3: The Meiji State and the Opposition Parties
Week 4: Creation of the Constitution and the Parliament
Week 5: Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese Wars
Week 6: Imperial Expansion to the Continent
Week 7: The Rise of Party Government
Week 8: International Cooperation and Political Parties
Week 9: The Rise of the Military
Week 10: The Collapse of the Empire
Part II Postwar Japan
Week 11: From Defeat to the Peace Treaty
Week 12: The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)
Week 13: Japan's Former Colonies
Week 14: Changing International Order and the End of the Cold War
Week 15: Japan’s Proactive Diplomacy after the Cold War
期末試験実施の有無 実施する
評価方法・基準 - Class participation will count as 50% of the grade.
- An oral examination at the end of the term will count as another 50%.
教科書等 Kitaoka Shinichi, The Political History of Modern Japan: Foreign Relations and Domestic Politics (Routledge, 2018).
* other materials will be added if necessary.
担当者プロフィール Teaches history of Japanese politics and diplomacy at Hiroshima City University. Research interests rest with Japan-U.S. relations during the late Cold War.
講義に関連する実務経験 Worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and several research institutes before joining the HCU faculty.
課題や試験に対するフィードバック Providing feedback through comments on student presentations
アクティブ・ラーニング Presentation, discussion
キーワード Meiji Restoration, Word WarU, San Francisco Peace Treaty, Cold War