科目名 International Commerce
単位数 2.0
担当者 Risa TERAI
履修時期 Fall semester
履修対象 1st year students and above and exchange students
講義形態 講義
講義の目的 This course deals with topics such as business entry strategies, trade barriers, exchange rate, competition policy and CSR (corporate social responsibility). As to business entry strategies, we will focus on joint ventures and wholly owned subsidiaries. As to competition law, we will focus on various types of anti-competitive activities such as price-fixing and market allocation. The latest issues related to competition policy, such as the monopoly problem of giant internet companies, will also be discussed. As to CSR, we will focus on the cases of “Facebook” and “Ben & Jerry’s”.
In this course, students are expected to read articles related to international commerce before class and answer to questions given during class. Students are also expected to give a presentation on a topic allotted to each person.
到達目標 The objective of this course is to enable students to develop knowledge of the basic practices related to international commerce. Also, this course enables students to understand the latest issues concerning international commerce.
受講要件 You need to be able to
(1) give a presentation in English,
(2) join a discussion in English,
(3) understand academic articles related to international commerce.
事前・事後学修 Before each class, students are required to read an article related to international commerce. After the class, students should review and supplement their answers the questions which they were asked to answer during class.
講義内容 ≪Introduction≫
1. What does “commerce” mean? What does “international” mean?
≪Business Entry Strategies≫
2. Joint venture
3. Wholly owned subsidiary
≪Trade Barriers≫
4. Tariff
5. WTO
6. Trade war between the U.S. and China
7. Trade war between the U.S. and European countries
≪Exchange Rates≫
7. Spot exchange rate
8. Forward exchange rate
≪Competition Law≫
9. What business activities are regulated by competition law?
10. Are internet giants such as Amazon and Google monopolizing the market?
≪COVID 19 and Contract Clause≫
12. Force Majeure Clause
13. CSR
14. Case study on “Facebook”
15. Case study on “Ben & Jerry's”
期末試験実施の有無 実施しない
評価方法・基準 Grades will be determined by how well you answered questions (70%) and gave presentation (30%).
教科書等 Handouts of instructor’s presentation slides and materials from related newspaper articles and publications.
担当者プロフィール ・ Place of birth: Japan, Kagawa prefecture.
・ Area of specialization: International Business Law, International Company Law.
・ Master of Arts in Law (Chuo University Graduate School of Law, Tokyo, 2011), Thesis title: Escape Clause in International Contract Law in Germany - Article 28 of the Introductory Act to the Civil Code -
・ Ph.D in Law (Chuo University Graduate School of Law, Tokyo, 2017) Dissertation title: Escape clause in International Contract Law -Suggestions from Private International Law in Germany-
課題や試験に対するフィードバック Model answers will be provided for self-assessment.
アクティブ・ラーニング Research and discussion
キーワード Joint Venture, Wholly Owned Subsidiary, Tariff, Exchange Rate, Competition Law, Force Majeure Clause, CSR