科目名 American Literature and CultureT
単位数 2.0
担当者 准教授 Michael Gorman
履修時期 前期
履修対象 博士前期課程1、2年
講義形態 講義
講義の目的 This class is dedicated to learning about American literature and culture. This semester, we will explore urban culture through the genres of Hardboiled detective fiction and Film Noir. In our lessons, we will consider the different cultural make-up of American society and how history and intercultural encounters impact American society. Lessons will mix readings and discussion in English with watching American films.
到達目標 To gain a better understanding of contemporary American literature, history, society, and culture through the examination of various texts and films relating to hardboiled detective fiction and film noir.
受講要件 Admission to the graduate program.
事前・事後学修 Pre-class readings will be assigned regularly, and a minimum of 5 response papers (two-page double-spaced) will be assigned.
講義内容 Week 1: Hardboiled Detective Fiction & Film Noir: Raymond Chandler, Dashiell Hammett, Mickey Spillane
Week 2: Quintessential Film Noir: The Big Sleep (Hardboiled Detective, Femme Fatale, Humphrey Bogart)
Week 3: Quintessential Film Noir: The Big Sleep (Who is the Femme Fatale?)
Week 4: Law & Order in LA: Chinatown (police corruption); Response Paper 1 (RP1) on The Big Sleep
Week 5: Law & Order in LA: Chinatown (the "voyeur")
Week 6: Historical Noir: L.A. Confidential (racial violence); RP2 on Chinatown
Week 7: Historical Noir: L.A. Confidential (LA Mob, police corruption)
Week 8: Comic Noir: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (Hollywood film industry); RP3 on L.A. Confidential
Week 9: Comic Noir: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (crime, gender, sexuality)
Week 10: Noir Parody: The Big Lebowski (allusion, film noir history); RP4 on KKBB
Week 11: Noir Parody: The Big Lebowski (comic noir, farce);
Week 12: Sci-Fi Noir: Blade Runner (futuristic noir); RP5 on Lebowski
Week 13: Sci-Fi Noir: Blade Runner (noir as science fiction)
Week 14: Neo Noir: Memento (updated noir); RP6 on Blade Runner
Week 15: Neo Noir: Memento (suspense, thriller); Due: Paper comparing two films
*This schedule may change.
期末試験実施の有無 実施しない
評価方法・基準 Attendance & participation (20%); homework, response papers, individual presentations, final project (80%)
教科書等 No text to buy. Handouts and readings will be provided weekly.
担当者プロフィール Michael Gorman earned his PhD in American literature and culture from the University of Tulsa and is especially interested in rural American culture, transnationalism, and the environment.
課題や試験に対するフィードバック Feedback will be given on response papers
キーワード Film Noir, gender and sexuality, genre, hardboiled detective fiction, violence, voyeurism, World War I
備考 This course will be taught entirely in English, and students are expected to use English actively in class. The schedule and texts are tentative and could change.