科目名 Cross-cultural Psychology and CommunicationT
単位数 2.0
担当者 Dr. Luke Carson
履修時期 前期: 木10.40 -12.10
履修対象 Graduate Students
講義形態 講義
講義の目的 Cross-cultural psychology looks at how culture affects human thinking and behaviour. This in turn impacts how we communicate. In an increasingly globalized society, understanding these differences in thought, behaviour and communication has become a much more pressing need.
到達目標 The course objective is the development of a well-informed understanding and appreciation of cultural difference and similarity, and a practical ability to successfully make, develop and improve relationships in an internationalized and diverse world.

Although not yet confirmed, this class may be taught online due to Covid-19 considerations.
受講要件 This class will be taught in English. Students must actively participate in English during the class, and prepare for classes. Attendance is mandatory.

A minimum TOEIC score of 700 (IELTS 6.5) is required, as well as the ability to read and discuss academic research each week.

Please contact Luke at lukeisworkingnow@gmail.com if you are interested in taking this class.
事前・事後学修 As well as readings prescribed by the teacher, students will be expected to extend the topic discussions through their own exploration of related research. This will require students to make use of the research databases available, and be regularly engaged in critical reading.
講義内容 Depending on the needs of the students enrolled, the specifics of the course may be subject to change. This course will focus on issues relating to understanding how culture impacts thought, behaviour and communication, discovering what the resulting differences are across cultures, and how to communicate effectively across cultures. Examples of areas to be discussed are communication norms and practices, social values and behaviours, roles of groups and individuals, motivation and emotion, perception, working in international and multinational contexts, and cross-cultural conflicts.
第8回:ドイツ、トルコ、インド、中国: ケーススタディ
第 9回: 文化的価値: アイデンテティー
第10回:文化的価値: 権力距離
第11回: ステレオタイプ
第12回: バイアス
第13回: 非言語的コミュニケーション: 感情と意思
第14回: 非言語的コミュニケーション:身振り、姿勢、表情
定期試験: レポート
期末試験実施の有無 実施しない
評価方法・基準 Students will be graded on preparation,participation and discussion (50%); papers, presentations and other homework (25%); and a final paper or project (25%).
教科書等 Textbooks are not required for this course. Readings will be provided by the teacher.
担当者プロフィール Luke Carson received his PhD from Dublin City University in Ireland, and also has degrees from University College Cork and Trinity College Dublin. His research interests include cross-cultural studies, psychology, psychology of learning, communication and education.
課題や試験に対するフィードバック Students will receive spoken feedback at times during the classes, as well as written feedback on some homework assignments.
キーワード Psychology